Enter by Aug. 31: Romance Writers’ contest

The following message was sent from author Beth Barany to the Broad Universe group, with permission to share:

Entries are low in the 2012 Heart To Heart Contest, sponsored by the San
Francisco Area Romance Writers of America. Finalists are judged by three
judges, including one print editor, one epub editor, and one agent. Don’t
miss this great opportunity to have your work in front of three industry

CONTEST CATEGORIES Paranormal, Erotic, Contemporary, Historical, and Young

WHAT TO ENTER: The magical scene in which your hero and heroine meet for
the first time, maximum 15 pages (with an optional one-page set-up,

Deadline: Midnight on August 31, 2012
More info: http://www.sfarwa.net/contests/heart-to-heart-contest

Final Judges:

Agent – Molly Reese – Einstein/Thompson Agency
Print – Natashya Wilson – Harlequin
Epub – Kimberley Myers – Omnific Publishing

Agent – Emmanuelle Morgen – Stonesong
Print – Chelsey Emmelhainz – Avon
Epub – Jay Austin – eXtasy Books and Devine Destines

Agent – Laura Bradford
Print Editor – Amanda Bergeron, Avon
ePub Editor – Grace Bradley, Ellora’s Cave

Agent – Tamar Rydzinski, Laura Dail Literary Agency
Print Editor – Leis Pederson, Berkeley
ePub Editor – Angela James of Carina

EROTIC (Only two judges)
Agent – Nalini Akolekar, Spencer Hill Associates, Literary Agency
Editor – Tera Kleinfelter of Samhain
Top Prize: Certificate

For questions, contact our contest coordinator at: 2012heart2heart@gmail.com

Amber Belldene

Permanent link to this article: https://twfendley.com/enter-by-aug-31-romance-writers-contest/

BRoP Interview: Suzanne Lilly

Suzanne PitnerWelcome to this week’s Blog Ring of Power guest, Suzanne Lilly! I’m thrilled to be part of Suzanne’s SHADES OF THE FUTURE BLOG TOUR–and be sure to check the other stops. As part of the tour, Suzanne will give away a pair of designer sunglasses to one random commenter, so be sure to leave a comment for a chance to win! In addition, 10% of the royalties from the sale of this book will go to an animal rescue organization.

Don’t miss the rest of her BRoP interview at:

Part 1 @ Terri – Wednesday, Aug. 22

Part 3 @ Em – Friday, Aug. 24

Part 4 @ Sandra– Monday, Aug. 27

Part 5 @  Dean – Tuesday, Aug. 28

Suzanne Lilly writes lighthearted young adult stories with a splash of suspense, a flash of the unexplained, a dash of romance, and always a happy ending. Her short stories have appeared in numerous places online and in print, and she has placed and received honorable mentions in writing contests. Her debut novel is Shades of the Future, (July 2012, Turquoise Morning Press), followed by Untellable, (February 2013.) She lives in Northern California where she reads, writes, cooks, swims, and teaches elementary students.


BRoP: When do you write?

Suzanne: During the school year, I write at an unbelievable early hour while the rest of my family snoozes.

BRoP: How much time per day do you spend on your writing?

Suzanne: I try to write at least an hour a day during the week. On the weekends I put in several hours. I’m a bit of a weekend novelist.

BRoP: What has been the most surprising reaction to something you’ve written?

Suzanne: I’m always surprised when someone thinks something I’ve written is funny. I’m not funny in person, and I write like I speak, so when someone laughs at my story, I’m floored. In a nice way.

BRoP: What is the strongest criticism you’ve ever received as an author? The best compliment?

Suzanne: Someone once told me a short story of mine called “The Kasbah” on a chick lit website was the worst thing she ever read. A publishing assistant once told me a story of mine called “Home Lunch” about the Vietnam War was the best thing she ever read. She even checked with her mom to make sure my facts were straight. I learned to go with the flow.

BRoP: How do you deal with rejection and/or negative reviews?

Suzanne: I move on. Rejection can be for so many reasons that have nothing to do with the quality of writing. The same goes for reviews. It’s all so subjective and based on a person’s taste. The only thing to do is keep writing.

BRoP: What format is your book(s) available in (print, e-book, audio book, etc.)

Suzanne: It’s available in print and digital formats.

BRoP: Please let us know where your readers can stalk you:

Website: http://www.suzannelilly.com

Blog: http://www.teacherwriter.net

Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/SuzanneLillyauthor

Goodreads author page: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5258804.Suzanne_Lilly

Twitter: @suzannelilly http://twitter.com/suzannelilly

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Suzanne-Lilly/e/B006HY79IY

Google +: https://plus.google.com/u/0/115758832631616324955/posts


Shades of the Future

SHADES OF THE FUTURE: What would you give to see the future? Would you make your dreams come true? Would you change the things you didn’t like?

Mariah Davis loves animals, running, and her hunk of a boyfriend, Kevin Creamer. Everything looks bright for her until the day she finds a pair of sunglasses that allow her to see the future.

When she glimpses a disaster looming, she tries to avoid it but fails. She has a car accident that lands her in a wheelchair, smashing her hopes for a running scholarship to the veterinary program at Ohio State University. She pushes Kevin away, thinking he’ll want to end their relationship now that she can’t walk.

Will she ever learn to trust and love again? She could search for an answer in the sunglasses. But she’s afraid what they reveal might destroy her.


Permanent link to this article: https://twfendley.com/brop-interview-suzanne-lilly/

See you 8/25 at Writers in the Park!

Don’t miss the St. Louis Writers Guild’s third annual Writers in the Park FREE mini-conference from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, August 25, at Kirkwood Park, 111 S. Geyer Rd.
Writer/illustrator Jennifer Stolzer and I will present a session on Speculative Fiction: From the Final Frontier to Middle Earth.

To learn more about Writers in the Park and the St. Louis Writers Guild’s Young Writers Awards contest for kids in the fourth through eighth grades, get the complete schedule and entry form at www.stlwritersguild.org

Permanent link to this article: https://twfendley.com/see-you-825-at-writers-in-the-park/

Lauren Miller reviews ZERO TIME

Excerpt from Lauren Miller’s review of my historical fantasy novel, ZERO TIME:

“The vivid depictions of life in Mexico and Peru are no doubt influenced by Fendley’s own archaeological adventures in the Yucatan and Peru.  I enjoyed how she interweaves folklore and myth, showing their creation over time and their function.  The mystery elements and uncertainty of the characters is also entertaining.

Overall, it’s an interesting foray into the Mayan prophecy of 2012 and if you have a taste for mysteries and occult activities, this may be the fall read for you.”

Permanent link to this article: https://twfendley.com/lauren-miller-reviews-zero-time/

HEREAFTER Grand Prize contest begins

Hereafter book tourToday marks the first day of Chinese Ghost Month, a time in which it is believed that the spirits of the deceased leave the land of the dead and visit the living, similar to Halloween.

HEREAFTER author Terri Bruce invites you to enter a 200-word (max!) story based on one of the Ghost Month writing prompts on Kelly A. Harmon’s blog. Entries must be submitted by Sept. 7 on The Writers’ Lens contest page. Grand prize winners will receive a print or ebook pack of ghost stories!

Permanent link to this article: https://twfendley.com/hereafter-grand-prize-contest-begins/

BRoP interview: James Garcia Jr.

James Garcia Jr.Today I’m very pleased to welcome James Garcia Jr. for the final part of his Blog Ring of Power interview. Don’t miss the rest of his interview at:



James Garcia Jr. was born in the Central California town of Hanford. He moved up the road to Kingsburg with his family as a child. After graduating KHS, he attended Reedley College where he met his wife. They, along with their teenage sons, still make their home in Kingsburg which is also the setting of James’ debut vampire novel. “Dance on Fire”, was published in 2010 and its sequel is scheduled for an early 2012 release. James is an Administrative Supervisor for Sun-Maid Growers of California. 




BRoP: Tell us about your route to success – did you use an agent? How did you land your agent and/or publisher?

James: My route to success? Hmm? I will tell you that the first query that I ever sent out came back a home run! They wanted the whole book, sent a contract and I was in. The next day I found out the whole thing was a fraud and I had to get out of it. Thankfully I did, but it was disheartening to come from such a “high” to 18 months of wondering whether I might ever hear the word yes again. I did manage to find that publisher that did say yes, thankfully. The novel came out in 2010 and was a dream come true. Now I have found myself deciding to self-publish since my publisher closed up her business, but that’s okay because I know so much more that I did about the business and the business of writing now. I know some, but certainly not all.


BRoP: Why did you choose to go with a small/independent press?

James:I went with a small publisher because they were the first to say yes. I have now decided to go it alone because of the state of the industry now, and how it is so much easier to do so. There will be no more questions or lack of communication because I will be my own boss; however, that means that it is all on me to do the best job that I can, and to be as professional as I can. If I do a lousy job of writing, editing, etc., it will be on me and I’ll fail. Just because the avenue for being published is easier does not make the job of producing a quality book easier.


BRoP: What are the most important elements of good writing?

James: Good writing sucks a reader in and transports them away. That is what both the author and the reader want out of a book. Knowing every word in the Dictionary does not necessarily equate to being able to write well. We have all read books where it seems the author was just showing off and we stumbled trying to get transported to that destination. Whether the content is zombies, rewriting history by having presidents fight vampires, young wizards in training or two people from different backgrounds meeting and falling in love despite multiple obstacles, if the story is good, the reader will be sucked in. I mentioned not wanting to read Pat Conroy’s Beach Music. I fought that book, but in the first few pages it beat me and sucked my right in. Years later, I’m still there.


BRoP: Do you have any advice for other writers?

James: My advice for everyone, writer or not, is to chase your dreams. I have had a bit of a setback this summer, but I know it is only a slight delay. Dreams do come true. Thankfully, I finally realized in my late thirties the regret I was facing if I never tried. I especially love telling young people about my story. I want those young men and women to know that fairytales do exist. Never let anyone tell you that they don’t.


BRoP: What are your current/future projects?

James: I am very excited about my third book. It is a stand-alone novel about ghosts. I have always wanted to write a ghost story, but wanted one that was fresh and new to me, and not simply to tread tired ground. This one explores ghosts that haunt houses as well as the ghosts of the past that haunt each one of us. I’m also a bit of a romantic; so this one is more Paranormal than Horror and I finally get to pull on heartstrings. This one should see the light of day in early 2013.


BRoP: Is there anything else that you’d like to share?

James: I just want to thank everyone for the providing me an opportunity to share on their sites as well as all of the readers who took time out of their busy schedules to give an unknown guy a chance to meet them. Thank you all so very much. 

BRoP: Thanks for taking the time to be with us for the past five days! It’s been great learning more about you.


BRoP: Where can readers find you?


Goodreads Author Page: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3483458.James_Garcia_Jr_

Twitter: https://twitter.com/danceauthor

DANCE ON FIRE — Each May, the Central California town of Kingsburg celebrates its Swedish heritage with the annual Swedish Festival: a weekend event where the town puts on its traditional dress, culminating with a dance around a Maypole on Friday, and a Swedish pancake breakfast and parade on Saturday. The town with a population of over 11,000 residents draws thousands more to the event. This year, two uninvited guests also converged upon the unsuspecting town.

          Nathaniel is a vampire. He wandered into town, bothering no one; feeding upon stray cats and other vermin, wanting nothing more than to have a place to rest his head. Vincent is a second vampire, and the one responsible for making Nathaniel. He has been searching for his long lost “son” for well over two centuries. Vincent’s goal is to take Nathaniel home or kill him. Nathaniel has often wished for death, wondering why God ever allowed this punishment: to walk the earth undead and unable to be redeemed. Does God remember the little boy from Romania who watched his parents die, was raised by the murdering vampire, only to become one himself? What does God think of Nathaniel and could there yet be redemption for one outside of heaven?
          Ten days before the start of the Swedish Festival the most tumultuous week in the history of Kingsburg has begun with two vampires leaving death and destruction in their wake. Kingsburg Police Detectives Mark Jackson and Michael Lopez, Barbara and the entire Lopez family find themselves drawn into something that threatens to destroy them all or leave them scarred forever.
          In a marriage of the classic horror story and the Christian themes of good conquering evil and redemption, Dance on Fire is the account of characters being drawn into the fire and the supernatural forces around them watching as they burn.

Permanent link to this article: https://twfendley.com/brop-interview-james-garcia-jr/

I’m an Underlord. Who knew?

I just found out my novel, ZERO TIME, is now available at Literary Underworld! Which makes me the newest Underlord.

So minions, spread the word that it’s on sale for $15.

What? I don’t get minions, too?

Check out Literary Underworld!



Permanent link to this article: https://twfendley.com/im-an-underlord-who-knew/

HEREAFTER launch party!

Hereafter book tour

Don’t miss the prizes and the fun! Check out my friend Terri Bruce’s launch party and book tour for her debut urban fantasy novel…

HEREAFTER by Terri Bruce

Why let a little thing like dying get in the way of a good time?

Thirty-six-year-old Irene Dunphy didn’t plan on dying any time soon, but that’s exactly what happens when she makes the mistake of getting behind the wheel after a night bar-hopping with friends. She finds herself stranded on earth as a ghost, where the food has no taste, the alcohol doesn’t get you drunk, and the sex…well, let’s just say “don’t bother.” To make matters worse, the only person who can see her—courtesy of a book he found in his school library—is a fourteen-year-old boy genius obsessed with the afterlife.

This sounds suspiciously like hell to Irene, so she prepares to strike out for the Great Beyond. The only problem is that, while this side has exorcism, ghost repellents, and soul devouring demons, the other side has three-headed hell hounds, final judgment, and eternal torment. If only there was a third option…

Eternal Press • Paperback • August 1, 2012 • ISBN: 978-1-61572-725-4
Eternal Press • E-Book • August 1, 2012 • ISBN: 978-1-61572-724-7

Read More: http://www.terribruce.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=65&Itemid=97#ixzz23SUhb05x

Join the party!

Permanent link to this article: https://twfendley.com/terri-bruce-debuts-hereafter/

Hosting August Broad Pod: Humor

Reprinted from the Broad Pod:

Thanks toBroad Pod heroic efforts on the part of everyone involved, our Humor podcast for August is up in spite of ill-timed vacations, technical snafus, power outages, exploding bathrooms, misdirected megafiles and demon attacks. Host T.W. Fendley, author of the historical fantasy, Zero Time, proudly presents this month’s readers:

Justine Graykin, with an excerpt from Archimedes Nesselrode, a whimsical novel written for adults who have grown weary of “adult” books, soon to be released as an eBook from Double Dragon Publishing.
Karina Fabian’s dragon, Vern, has a penchant for puns and snide remarks as well as a knack for getting himself into ridiculous situations.  No wonder her DragonEye novels come with reader warnings to not read while eating or drinking or in public where you’re worried about embarrassing yourself by laughing out loud. Live and Let Fly is her second DragonEye novel. http://fabianspace.com

Ann Wilkes will read an excerpt from a new installment in the Awesome Lavratt Universe that is, as yet, untitled. The Awesome Lavratt is currently out of print, but stories in two Dark Quest Anthologies are still available.

Tracy S. Morris will read from “The Plays The Thing,” a short story she co-wrote with Brad Sinor for the Grantville Gazette. In it, a time-traveling reporter helps Cyrano de Bergerac write an infamous play while trying to outwit an unwanted suitor.

Pour yourself a cold one, sit back, and have a chuckle on us: Broad Pod

Permanent link to this article: https://twfendley.com/hosting-august-broad-pod-humor/

Twinkle, twinkle, falling star…

Reprinted from Spaceweather.com:

PERSEID METEOR SHOWER: Earth is entering a stream of debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle, source of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Worldwide observers are now reporting more than 30 Perseids per hour, a number that could triple during the weekend when Earth reaches the heart of the debris zone. Forecasters recommend looking during the dark hours before dawn, especially Sunday morning, August 12th, when activity is expected to be highest. Visit http://spaceweather.com for sky maps, observing tips, and links to a live meteor radar.  

Don’t just watch meteors, wear them:  Authentic meteorite jewelry is available in the Space Weather Store:  http://www.shopspaceweather.com/ownameteorite.aspx

Permanent link to this article: https://twfendley.com/twinkle-twinkle-falling-star/