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Media Release December 2012

M E D I A   R E L E A S E


T.W. Fendley



For Immediate Release

 End of the World Age Celebration Dec. 21


Bring your drum, maracas or tambourine and join the End of the World Age celebration from 6-8 p.m., Dec. 21, at Wired Coffee, 3860 South Lindbergh Blvd., in Sunset Hills, Mo., featuring musician John MacEnulty, spiritual teacher Rhonda Leifheit and local author T.W. Fendley.

“This is similar to a New Year’s celebration, except it marks the passage of two much longer calendar cycles followed by the ancient Maya, Aztecs and Inca,” Fendley said. “The 2012 Winter Solstice is the last day of the 5,125-year Maya Long Count, which completes a 26,000-year cycle.” She will read from her award-winning historical fantasy novel, ZERO TIME, which is set in ancient Mesoamerica and modern Peru.

Thirty-year symphony vet and former conductor John MacEnulty–who now specializes in Native American musical improvisations–will lead a drumming circle, resonating with new energies of the changing times.

Leifheit, director of The Source Life Enrichment Center in St. Louis, will briefly discuss the Galactic Alignment predicted by the Maya and suggest ways to bring greater light into the world based on Mayan principles. She will also share ideas for rituals to honor the significance of the Winter Solstice. A reader of the Akashic Records, Leifheit has given Past Life and Health Readings for clients in all 50 states and many foreign countries. She has taught classes in spiritual growth for 35 years.

Signed CDs and books, and gift certificates for readings will be available, perfect for holiday giving. Get a free Maya/Aztec astrology report with each purchase.

As an added bonus, on Dec. 22-23, T.W. Fendley’s ebook, JAGUAR HOPE–the novelette prequel to ZERO TIME–will be offered free via Amazon Kindle.



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