I’m very pleased to welcome this week’s Blog Ring of Power guest, Denise Verrico. We met through our publisher, L&L Dreamspell, and are also both members of Broad Universe. Don’t miss the rest of her BRoP interview at:
Part 1 @ Terri – Wednesday, July 25
Part 3 @ Em – Friday, July 27
Part 4 @ Sandra– Monday, July 29
Part 5 @ Dean – Tuesday, July 30
Denise is an Urban Fantasy author and New Jersey native who grew up in Western Pennsylvania. She attended Point Park College and majored in Theatre Arts. For seven seasons, she was a member of the Oberon Theatre Ensemble in NYC. Denise has loved vampire stories since childhood and is a fan of the Dark Shadows television series. Her books are published by L&L Dreamspell Publishing and include: Cara Mia (Book One of the Immortyl Revolution Series), Twilight of the Gods (Book Two of the Immortyl Revolution Series), and My Fearful Symmetry (Book Three of the Immortyl Revolution Series). She currently lives in Ohio with her husband, son, and her flock of seven spoiled parrots.
For excerpts of the Immortyl Revolution Series, character profiles and the Immortyl Lexicon visit www.deniseverricowriter.webs.com
For insider information on the series visit www.ImmortylRevolution.blogspot.com
Comment and leave your email address to receive a free copy of Denise Verrico’s ANNALS OF THE IMMORTYLS, a trio of dark urban fantasy tales featuring characters from her Immortyl Revolution series.
BRoP: What is your writing process? Do you follow a regular routine? Do you use pen and paper or computer? Work at home or at the library/Starbucks, etc.
DV: Currently, I work at home on an old desktop. My laptop is ailing and needs replaced. I prefer to write in the morning before I go to work, but often write when I return in the evening. After dinner, I make coffee and let my parrots out to play, then I sit down at the computer for a couple of hours
BRoP: How do you balance writing with other aspects of your life?
DV: It’s difficult because I work full-time and a lot of my free time is spent on critique groups , blogging and promotion. But I sometimes just take an evening off to read or walk in the park or watch a movie with my husband and son. We are roller coaster fanatics and the time we spend together in this pursuit is precious.
BRoP: How much time per day do you spend on your writing?
DV: It varies. If I’m promoting a new book, this time is sometimes less than two hours a day. I like to write for three to four hours a day. Sleep is often sacrificed.
BRoP: What has been the most surprising reaction to something you’ve written?
DV: A few reviewers have commented on the beauty of my prose and say it surprised them to find this in a vampire novel. It’s nice to hear that kind of praise. I’m very hard on myself.
BRoP: What is the strongest criticism you’ve ever received as an author?
DV: Some readers are turned off by the science, politics and lack of “romance” in my vampire novels. I’m a bit cynical sometimes in my view of relationships and sex. I don’t like to romanticize these things too much.
BRoP: The best compliment?
DV: I got a review (positive) that said My Fearful Symmetry was “a dark and disturbing read”. I absolutely loved that! Call me crazy, but I think vampires should be dark and disturbing.
BRoP: Other than your family, what has been your greatest source of support?
DV: My crit groups. They kick me in the butt when I need it, brainstorm with me and even help with proofing.
BRoP: How do you deal with rejection and/or negative reviews?
DV: It’s never easy, but I was used to it from the theatre. You have to realize not everyone will like your work.
BRoP: Where can readers find you and your work?
DV: My website:
Blog: http://www.immortylrevolution.blogspot.com/
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/KIxyt2
Servant of the Goddess Excerpt: http://deniseverricowriter.webs.com/excerptbookfour.htm
My Trailer: http://deniseverricowriter.webs.com/apps/videos/videos/show/12715998-immortyl-revolution-trailer

- My amazon Page: http://amzn.to/K3NhVS
- Servant of the Goddess Trade PB: http://amzn.to/K8uwPb
- Servant of the Goddess Kindle: http://amzn.to/J0R2Id
Barnes and Noble
- Servant of the Goddess Trade PB and Nook:
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Hi Denise! I loved your comment about letting your parrots out to play — what a wonderful image! But also I completely agree about vampires being dark and disturbing (though maybe not always to other vampires 😉 ) and, especially, being amenable to beautiful prose. Vampires to me represent a nexus of sex and death –Eros and Thanatos — a force both attractive and to be avoided.
James, I agree about Eros and Thanatos. I actually talked about that subject on a panel last weekend at Confluence. Thanks for commenting!
Nancy, maybe someday we’ll see the vamps onstage. Hey folks, if you want the free ebook, let me know. Feel free to email me deniseverrico(at)yahoo(dot)com, if you’re shy about posting your email.
Excellent interview, Denise. I share your theater background and would love to have been there to see you onstage. No vampires in your shows? I do love the thought of “dark and disturbing”! And of the “beauty” of your prose. Congratulations!
Thanks everyone! Joe, I certainly hope so! Jaqueline, thanks for your support! Runere, when I wrote the first book, I couldn’t let go of these characters. I started on book two. This isn’t usually a good idea, but it turned out my publisher, L&L Dreamspell, was looking for vampire series.
Hello there, Denise! Enjoyed the interview immensely. And I like the fact you wrote the Immortyl Revolution Series AS a series. It’s easy to become attached to well written characters and worlds, and it’s hard to see them go after only one book. Continued success! ~Runere
Congrats on the publication of your new novel! It looks like a very exciting speculative novel.
All the best,
That was a great and informative interview. It is always good to learn more about our fellow authors. I really like the cover on Servant of the Goddess. This looks like the kind of book that will keep you up turning pages well into the night
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