AuthorFest June 14 at Ferguson Farmers Market

FergusonFarmersMarketThis Saturday, you can find me and a handful of other writers at the Ferguson Farmers’ Market, open from 8 a.m. to noon.
The market typically has plenty of food booths, so you can come hungry and leave full. It’s located at 20 S. Florissant Rd in Ferguson. From I-70 take the UMSL/S. Florissant Rd. exit and head north. From I-270, take the New Florissant Rd exit and head south. The market sits just south of the train trestle.
For more details, go to
Hope to see you there!
June 14:
  • Braxton DeGarmo – Thrillers: “The Militant Genome,” “Indebted,” and more
  • T.W. Fendley – “Zero Time”
  • Margo Dill – middle age and young adult books: “Finding my Place,” “Caught Between Two Curses,” and more
  • L.S. Murphy – “Reaper,” “Neighbors,” “One More Day,” and “A Reason to Stay”
  • Mike and Carol Hodge – “The Creator’s Essence” (Carol), “Where is the United States in Bible Prophecy” and “Unto Us A Child Is Born” (Mike)

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  1. Thanks! I’ve never been to this farmers market, so I’m excited about checking it out! Hope to see you there.


    • Lauren on June 11, 2014 at 5:32 am

    I love the Ferguson Farmers Market! I’m working on Saturday but if I can get out of the door early, I’ll try and stop by. I hope you guys get a LOT of visitors/buyers. 🙂

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