ZERO TIME birthday wishes

balloonsFirst, happy birthday to my debut historical fantasy novel, ZERO TIME!

Thanks to publishers Linda and Lisa of L&L Dreamspell, it came out prior to the end of Maya calendar in December 2012 (which is Zero Time).

It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since I first held a copy of ZERO TIME in my hands. Since then, I’ve been lucky to meet a lot of folks at book signings and online who’ve been interested enough to read my book, and that’s what it’s all about. Thank you! I hope you found the journey as rewarding as it was for me to study the ancient Andean and Mesoamerican cultures.

Where has the time gone?

  • I spent a lot of time this year trying to figure out how to reach readers–that’s a continuing effort.
  • I entered ZERO TIME in a few contests, with some success: winner of the 2011 Best Science Fiction/Fantasy Novel in the Preditors and Editors Readers Poll, a finalist for the Missouri Writers’ Guild 2012 Major Work Award, and a semifinalist for 2012 Best Indie Book from Kindle Book Review.
  • I did book signings, including several organized by fellow Dreamspell author Judy Moresi (thanks, Judy). The next is coming up Oct. 27 at Book House.
  • I attended Tulane University’s Maya symposium, which ignited my imagination.
  • I had the chance to work more closely with people who are passionate supporters of writers, including Maria at 6 North Cafe in Ballwin, Robin Tidwell of All on the Same Page Bookstore, and Brad Cook, president of the St. Louis Writers Guild. Maria, Robin and Brad, your work is appreciated!
  • I also got to make some great online friends–YAY! to the Blog Ring of Power: Terri, Em, Sandra and Dean, and to the savvy authors at Broad Universe.
  • I wrote two novelettes in the Zero Time Chronicles. The first, JAGUAR HOPE, is available FREE this weekend on Kindle books!
  • I commissioned writer/illustrator Jennifer Stolzer to create the plumed serpent illustration that I’m using on this website and other promotional materials, such as bookmarks. She also designed the book covers for my novelettes. Thanks, Jennifer!
  • Unrelated to ZERO TIME, I attended the SCBWI conference and pitched my Young Adult contemporary fantasy novel, THE LABYRINTH OF TIME. And my short story, “Origin of the Species,” took second place in the Writers’ Digest horror competition.

So, as I head out later today for ARCHON 36–the St. Louis-area science fiction convention–I send a birthday wish to all aspiring writers: May you find success in your endeavors and have the joy of discovery while on your creative journey.







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