April 14, 2016 7-9:00pm The Grand House 2120 S. Grand Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63104 $5 per person Advance registration and payment are required. The ancient Greeks had six words for love. Sufis spin to burn in the fire of love. And mystical traditions around the world whisper — love is the fundamental vibration. Join Tim …
Tag: Tim Altepeter
Permanent link to this article: https://twfendley.com/mystic-salon-414-living-as-love/
Dec 02
Mystic Salon discussion 12/3: Living in Oneness
Living in Oneness: How Does Oneness Manifest in Your Daily Life? The Grand House 2120 S Grand Blvd – Saint Louis 12/03/2015 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Oneness, the Divine, All That Is – known by many names, this concept thrums at the center of all spiritual and esoteric traditions. It is the pathway, the …
Permanent link to this article: https://twfendley.com/mystic-salon-discussion-123-living-in-oneness/