Tag: Jupiter

Sunset sky show features Jupiter & Venus

Reprinted from Space Weather News http://spaceweather.com The two brightest planets in the night sky are converging for a spectacular close encounter.  On June 30, Jupiter and Venus will be just a fraction of a degree apart, forming a pair so bright that you can see them even before nightfall. Check http://spaceweather.com for observing tips and more.

Permanent link to this article: https://twfendley.com/sunset-sky-show-features-jupiter-venus/

Monday: Highlight of Jupiter, Venus conjunction

Reprinted form Space Weather News for Aug. 17, 2014 http://spaceweather.com WOW! MORNING CONJUNCTION:  Jupiter and Venus are converging in the eastern sky for a spectacular pre-dawn conjunction.  Closest approach is Monday morning, Aug. 18.  The event is highlighted on today’s edition of http://spaceweather.com MINOR STORM WARNING:  Minor geomagnetic storms are possible during the late hours of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://twfendley.com/monday-highlight-of-jupiter-venus-conjunction/

Sunset sky show March 25 & 26


A month ago, Venus, Jupiter and the crescent Moon aligned beautifully for evening sky watchers around the world. Tonight it’s happening again. On March 25 and 26, the three will form a bright celestial triangle in the western sky at sunset.  Check http://spaceweather.com for photos and observing tips. Source: http://spaceweather.com/services/

Permanent link to this article: https://twfendley.com/sunset-sky-show/