I have been tagged by Dean Rich of the Blog Ring of Power in a fun game that’s going around the blogosphere. So here goes!
1. What is your dream vacation?
Lake Titicaca in Peru, or Crete — I know, they’re nothing at all alike except for water, but there it is!
2. Are you spontaneous or do you like to plan ahead?
Yes, to both! Generally I plan ahead because I’ve regretted it too many times when I didn’t. Still, I like to be spontaneous, too. When it comes to writing, I’m definitely a pantser not a planner.
3. Tell us one thing you want to do but don’t dare to do.
I’d like to climb some of the taller Mayan/Inca temples. I don’t like heights, and they don’t have handrails. I know I could get to the top, but coming down…not pretty.
4. Your biggest phobia?
In day-to-day life, spiders. I used to be a spider attractor…you don’t want to know.
5. If you were stranded on a desert island – what 3 things would you want with you (not including laptop, or family).
Hmmm, I guess the key word is stranded, so no portals allowed. A really sharp knife, a mirror (so I can send messages via Morse Code) and an unabridged dictionary (I can make up my own stories for each word).
6. Name three blessings in your life.
My family, my friends and good health.
7. What was your nickname in High School?
Didn’t have one, that I knew about, anyway. My grandfather used to call me Sputnik.
8. If you could meet the President of the United States, what would you say to him?
It’s one of my favorite quotes from Dr. Kent M. Keith’s PARADOXICAL COMMANDMENTS: Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have anyway.
9. If you could be any literary character for a day, who would you be?
Harry Dresden–a wizard with a good heart and the guts to make a difference.
10. What is your favorite quote?
This is a hard one, but I think it has to be another of the PARADOXICAL COMMANDMENTS: The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
If you’d like to join the fun, copy these questions to your site and go for it. Then leave a comment with a link so we can all visit and see your answers!
1. What is your dream vacation?
2. Are you spontaneous or do you like to plan ahead?
3. Tell us one thing you want to do but don’t dare to do.
4. Your biggest phobia?
5. If you were stranded on a desert island – what 3 things would you want with you (not including laptop, or family).
6. Name three blessings in your life.
7. What was your nickname in High School?
8. If you could meet the President of the United States, what would you say to him?
9. If you could be any literary character for a day, who would you be?
10. What is your favorite quote?
1 comment
Great answers TW! Glad you enjoyed this.