
BRoP Year in Review 2013 prizesCongratulations to the winners of prizes in the Blog Ring of Power — 2013 Year in Review Giveaway Hop!

And thanks to all the authors who shared their stories and donated the fantastic prizes. You rock!


$25 Gift Card: Carolsue Anderson

T.J. Loveless’ Going Through Hell Paperback: Shannon Aleene

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan’s Twinned Universes ebook: Steve Webber

Beth Barany’s Henrietta the Dragonslayer ebook: Coleen Burright

Bonnie Milani – Home World & Trades ebooks: Krizia Almiranez

Ellen Larson’s In Retrospect hard cover: April Davis Woods

Michelle Hauck’s Kindar’s Cure ebook: Kami Bryant

Tracy Lane’s Entwined Courage ebook: Debra Martin

Heidi Vlach’s

  • Render ebook #1: Leann McKenzi
  • Render ebook #2: Coleen Burright
  • Render ebook #3: Sherry Fundin

A.W. Exley’s Nefertiti’s Heart ebook: Aria Glazki

E.B. Black’s Medusa’s Desire ebook: Aria Glazki

Kate Evangelista’s Taste, Reaping Me Softly, Unreap My Heart ebooks: Doreen Hayes

Romancing the BookWorm ebook: Leann McKenzi

Kristi Petersen Schoonover’s

  • Skeletons in the Swimming Hole paperback #1: Nancy Allis
  • Skeletons in the Swimming Hole paperback #2: Alan Saxton
  • Bad Apple paperback #1: Suzinski Suzy
  • Bad Apple paperback #2: Heather Wright Dingman

Gail Z. Martin’s Ice Forged paperback: Julie Ryan

Lori Sjoberg’s Grave Intentions ebook: Stacy Povin

$20 Amazon Gift Card: Marlene Moss

$10 Amazon Gift Card + signed copy of Hereafter second edition: Laurie Cavanaugh

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