Learn the why’s and how to’s of audiobooks from authors George Sirois and T.W. Fendley, who will share their different paths to creating audio versions of their novels as keynote speakers at the seventh annual Writers in the Park.
The free festival for writers will be held indoors from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Aug. 6, at Kirkwood Community Center, 111 S. Geyer Rd. It will feature multiple writer tracks for adults, a workshop for young writers (4th-8th grades), and a bookroom filled with local authors. The popular “Buy a book, get a sandwich” promotion will return, featuring sandwiches from 6 North Café. Best of all, the conference remains free and open to all writers, no registration needed.
Workshops each hour will focus on topics such as social media marketing, using social media for writers, Young Adult vs. New Adult, publishing for Kindle, and the craft of writing. Authors and publishing professionals scheduled to appear include, George Sirois, T.W. Fendley, Meredith Tate, Barry and Sarah Coziahr, and Peggy Newman, with more to be announced soon.
Plus, stop by the local author book fair and learn about the Gateway to Publishing Conference and Convention hosted next June by the St. Louis Writers Guild.
In the keynote presentation entitled “Audiobooks: ACX, DIY, and Everything in Between,” George Sirois will share his step-by-step journey to create a digital audiobook. Sirois is the author of the science fiction novels EXCELSIOR and FROM PARTS UNKNOWN. www.georgesirois.com.
T.W. Fendley will focus on services such as the Audiobook Creation Exchange. Fendley’s published works include fantasy novels ZERO TIME and THE LABYRINTH OF TIME, and several short stories. www.twfendley.com
Learn more about the St. Louis Writers Guild and Writers in the Park at www.stlwritersguild.org