Mystic Salon: Aromatherapy – Exploring Mother Earth’s Natural, Healing Essences

Reprinted from Mystic Salon

February 25, 2016
The Grand House
2120 S. Grand Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63104
$5.00 per person
Advance registration and payment are required.

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The use of essential oils has a long and varied history.  Aromatherapy debuted in the US in the early 18th century in spas, offering relaxation.  Today, aromatherapy is recognized as not only a feel-good experience, but a healthy support to our mind, body and spirit.

Join Kathleen “Kat”  Kohler Schwartz in the Mystic Salon and discover modern aromatherapy. Kat will explore guidelines for the selection, use and safety of essential oils for personal home practice, and provide inspiring ideas to craft your own home apothecary.

This talk, offered through Mystic Salon, is open to the public. Please RSVP through to reserve your place in the circle. 


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