On Satu
rday, Sept. 29, A.R.E. Headquarters will offer a conference, Mastering Your Life’s Mission: Using the Universal Laws and the Power of Thought with Peter Woodbury, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Ethical Society, 9001 Clayton Road, in St. Louis.
Call A.R.E. Conferences Registrar: 800-333-4499 or register online. (Pre-registration saves you $20 off the at-door fee of $79!).
You have everything you need to realize your unique purpose and mission for this incarnation; you even have the potential to complete your mission on this earth should you chose. But much is up to you and your ability to focus the creative power of your thoughts and your mind. Through lecture, experiential exercise, and guided meditations, Peter brings his practical wisdom, depth of knowledge, warmth, and humor to deepen the effectiveness of experience. Join us for this transformative and enriching event!
A.R.E. is the Association for Research and Enlightenment (the Edgar Cayce Foundation).