When I was in Las Vegas for the Applied Precognition Project annual conference in June, I got to know a fabulous woman and internationally known remote viewer, Dr. Angela Thompson Smith, PhD. She’s never been to St. Louis, so I’m looking forward to showing her around when she comes to teach FUSION RV — Aug. 26-28.
Angela is a research psychologist with a nursing and social work background. She has 30 years experience in the parapsychology and remote viewing fields including five years working at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Laboratory and over 20 years in the remote viewing field. She was a Founding Member and Director of the International Remote Viewing Association (IRVA). She is also a published author, a public speaker and an ordained shaman.
If you’ve ever considered learning remote viewing, don’t miss this opportunity! If you can’t take the whole class, she’s offering separate one-day rates for introduction to Controlled Remote Viewing and Extended Remote Viewing.