Birthday bash: Free short stories, novelette

Mother_coverJaguar HopeTo celebrate my birthday, I’m offering the two prequels to ZERO TIME–my historical fantasy novel–for free Aug. 13 & 14 on Kindle.

JAGUAR HOPE, a novelette, tells of the ill-fated journey to Earth’s Age of Crystal. Two black jaguars become the symbol of hope for a race facing extinction when they accompany a dying traveler back to her home planet.

Four-year-old White Heron begins her journey as a master shaman when she arrives in Teotihuacan with her sister Quilla and Mama Couen. Her fledgling skills prove the only defense against a priest of the Lord of Darkness in THE MOTHER SERPENT’S DAUGHTER, a short story.

Additionally, my contemporary short story, AND I FEEL FINE, will be free on Kindle from Aug. 13-17.

61CSJ6KisTL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-59,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_Jana’s puzzled when the traffic disappears so she makes it to work on time, and when the perfect boots and jacket appear in her cubicle just before a meeting with the big boss. She worries about her sanity until she realizes it’s Dec. 21, 2012. This is the end of the world? She pulls on her new boots and puts her theory to the test.




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